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Forum Posts

Apr 20, 2022
In Forum Posts
The time distribution of people's Internet social behaviors is mostly carried out in fragmented time, the time is continuous and moderate, the place Tunisia Phone Number List of occurrence is uncertain, and the characters involved do not have clear specific attributes (communication with colleagues in work, communication with friends in life, Communicate with strangers when entertaining, and communicate with service providers when receiving services.) The Tunisia Phone Number List Internet search behavior of people and information is also carried out using fragmented time. The time duration is short, and the place of generation is uncertain. The characters involved are only users and content producers (UGC and PGC), but there is no actual communication between the two, which does not occur. connect. Most of the online shopping behaviors of people and goods are carried out in fragmented time, and a small number of B-end dealers carry out purchasing behaviors at specific times. duration is short. The location is uncertain, and users can use the Internet to Tunisia Phone Number List conduct shopping activities at any location. The characters involved have specific attributes: buyers and sellers. But attributes are not unique, sellers can also generate shopping behaviors, and buyers can also be sellers to sell goods. The Internet behavior of people and services, or the Tunisia Phone Number List O2O online and offline conversion mode, has a strong correlation with the service itself in terms of time distribution, and at the same time, the time duration is relatively long, and the place of production is strongly correlated with the service itself. Character attributes are fixed: users, service providers. Occupying the chain of people and services in the Internet means capturing more fragmented Tunisia Phone Number List time and longer-lasting product usage time of users, mastering users’ comprehensive travel data and triggering locations for business behavior, and establishing a very clear and clear customer and service provider management library. This plays a huge role in the development and Tunisia Phone Number List expansion of business models, and realizes a business empire with interconnected dots, lines and planes. This also makes it easy to understand why Baidu wants to do unmanned vehicles to provide users with more convenient, timely and high-quality services in the field of travel. Imagine that you don't have to wait for a taxi in the future.

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